Embarking on a journey from Mountain to Ocean, through Sky and Universe. MOSU is rooted in our deep love for and unwavering belief in the power of black truffles.

For the past 17 years, black truffles have been Jack's secret to maintaining health and enhancing vitality. He have personally experienced their profound impact on sleep quality and energy levels. He recalls a time when he recommended Yogi try infusing black truffles in water to alleviate her insomnia. What began as a simple experiment ended up transforming her quality of life. This unexpected discovery solidified their belief that the extraordinary benefits of black truffles should be shared with more people.

After two years of hundreds of experiments and countless trials, they proudly introduce their signature products, and transform black truffles from a table luxury into a convenient daily drink for health and vitality.

  • 01. ESSENCE

    Ensuring the quality of our ingredients and maintaining additives-free is our essence. Through three years of research, we have ensured the coexistence of aroma and nutrition. Step by step exploration has led to the creation of the world's first black truffle latte.

    We draw inspiration from Taoism, following the laws of nature and believing in the concept that food can be healing to people. We replace quick success and instant benefits with gradual development that respects natural principles. By harnessing the pure, natural power of foods, we explore a more vibrant way of life.
  • 03. MISSION

    We are committed to ushering in a new era for black truffles by integrating this precious gift unearthed into modern life. We aim to create a unique yet simple, delicious, and holistic healthy lifestyle. MOSU transforms black truffles from table luxury into a daily companion for health and energy. Our mission is to offer an ideal choice for those who seek unique in taste and a healthier way of living

    Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. We are dedicated to creating products that not only meet the highest standards of quality but also minimize our environmental footprint.
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